

Islamic discipline is the backbone of the institution which is in accordance with the Islamic code. Knowledge enlightens students and regulates their practices. But it is through Talbiyah that he becomes an exemplary person for his people. Thus knowledge and Talbiyah are complimentary and supportive to each other. The first thing Rasoolullah[ S.A.W] did after receiving the Qur’an was to translate the Words of Allah into action. Aisha [R.A] says, ‘Rasoolullah’s [ S.A.W] morals were the Qur’an.’   In order to provide our children with good Islamic education and to give them a strong and firm basis for their Islamic development, some Rules and Guidelines have been formulated. This will greatly assist us to improve the discipline and level of education in the Maktab. It must be noted that no written set of rules can cover all situations and thus the final decision in respect of disciplinary issues rests with the Principal in determining what actions constitute misconduct, what procedures to follow and what sanctions to impose.



Attendance and punctuality is of utmost importance. Absenteeism and late coming seriously retard the student’s progress as lessons cannot be repeated for one child due to limited time.  If due to serious illness or unforeseen circumstances your child does not attend Maktab, please provide a signed note written by yourself explaining the cause of absence or you may personally come to the maktab and explain the circumstances.  Please avoid making any appointments or plan any journeys during Maktab hours.  All sporting activities or extracurricular activities should be scheduled for the weekends or after Maktab hours.


Students are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards the Mu’alim/ah, maktab property and fellow students.  Any form of bad behaviour, disrespect or rudeness will not be tolerated.  Pupils will be disciplined for bad behaviour.  Bullying is unacceptable.  No cell phones will be allowed during Maktab hours.  The principal has the right to suspend or expel any pupil who violates any rule of the Maktab.  Parents will be informed of continuous disregard of maktab rules. Students are expected to carry the required books and stationery daily. Damaged / lost books must be replaced. Kindly ensure that your child uses the toilet and performs wudhu at home prior to attending class.


An email address is imperative  as Maktab communicates primarily via email  in respect of  Notices to  Parents ; Invoicing  and all queries. It is vital that the email address supplied is checked on a regular basis. In the event that you have no access  to email , kindly inform the Office. We will endeavour to arrange  hard copies of all correspondences & Invoices.

Please inform the Office should there be a change in contact details.

Communication is a key aspect to your child’s academic success and cannot be over emphasised. You should at all times be aware of what your child is learning and how they are progressing.

To ensure effective communication between parents and Masjid Ibrahim Maktab, different communicates will be used depending on the nature of the communication. These include:  Written communication Oral messages Emails Notes via the teacher-parent communication book. Notice Board

It is necessary to make a prior appointment with a teacher, should you wish to discuss your child’s  progress. Arriving without an appointment is disruptive to lessons .

LEAVE Kindly inform the office via email if your child intends taking leave . Please report to the office upon your return.


The office must be informed  in writing should you wish to withdraw your child from the Maktab. Two weeks notice is required. Please note that you will be  responsible for full settlement of fees.

Please do not withdraw your child if you have any concern , as this will not resolve matters. Discuss your issue with the Principal first.

Kindly contact the Principal should you experience difficulties in paying fees.


If you have concerns on any matter please contact :

Shaykh Abu Bakr:  0434 581 995 [Principal]   info@maktabibrahim.com.au

2 Jumu'ah sessions : 1st Khutbah at 12.55pm | 2nd Khutbah at 1.40pm