Invitation – First Hifz-Al-Qur’an Completion

Invitation - First Hifz-Al-Qur'an Completion

Darul -‘Uloom Masjid Ibrahim would like to invite your honourable self to join us on  the auspicious and historic occasion of its first Hifz al-Quran completion by two Hifz students and Riwayah [ narration] of Imam Hafs ‘an Asim completion by  two students of its ‘Aalim program. This will – insha Allah – take place in the presence of our most honourable Ustadh and Shaykh, Qari Ayoob Essack [ May Allah Ta’la preserve him] – Dean of the faculty of Tajwid & Qira’ah, Darul Uloom Zakariyya, South Africa & our guest of honour this Ramadaan at Masjid Ibrahim.

Program will be live streamed via the Masjid website.


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2 Jumu'ah sessions : 1st Khutbah at 12.55pm | 2nd Khutbah at 1.40pm