Mufti Abdul Raheem Limbada – Mirrabooka Mosque (8th Aug 2017)

Mufti Abdul Raheem Limbada – Mirrabooka Mosque (8th Aug 2017)

Mufti Abdul Raheem is one of the gems of England. A master of Quranic exegesis (Tafseer) and the Arabic language, he initially studied at Darul Uloom Al Arabiyya Al Islamiyyah, Bury (UK), where he is currently a senior lecturer.

After graduating he pursued studies at Mazahirul Uloom, Saharanpur (India) under the tutorship of the great illuminary Muhaddith Yunus Jaunpuri (ra) and Mufti Mahmudul Hasan Gangohi (ra).

He specialises in Tafseer, particularly in the work of Imaam Baydawi (ra).

His students include Shaykh Riyad Ul Haq, Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam Al Kawthari, Shaykh Ahmad Ali, Mufti Dr. Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf Mangera, and Mufti Hussain Kamani.



Recent Lectures

2 Jumu'ah sessions : 1st Khutbah at 12.55pm | 2nd Khutbah at 1.40pm