About Maktab Ibrahim


Principal: Shaykh Abubakr (0434 581 995)

Role: To carry out the educational policies of Masjid Ibrahim Maktab

Curriculum Coordinator: Shaykh Shabir Adam Moosa (0416 153 786)

Role: Curriculum implementation/staff support

Accounts: Mu’allimah Moqadisa Noor (0475 135 344)

Role: Financial queries

Inspired by the descent of Sayiduna Jibril [a.s.] with the revelation of Surah Al-Alaq, the foundations of knowledge were laid over a period of some 23 years by Our Master [S.A.W.].

A legacy of knowledge & inspiration which transcended time, just as it transcended gender, nationality and age; preserved by true scholarship in an unadulterated form whilst the masaajid & great institutions of the Islamic world served as the nucleus of this preservation.

Having found a home at Masjid Ibrahim, Southern River, WA, and encouraged, endorsed & guided by local [Muslim Theological Council] and foreign ’ulama from within Arab and Indian traditionalism, the vision of Masjid Ibrahim Maktab is to provide an avenue to authentic, qualified, Islamic knowledge at EVERY LEVEL to every adult & child, male & female, in a traditional yet professional manner using all the skills and means at our disposal.

The only way to remove the darkness of ignorance is through exposure to the light of knowledge as understood and accepted by generations of Muslims.

As a Muslim minority, it is imperative upon each one of us to ensure that we are in tune with the society around us whilst adorned with the lenses of a deep faith . Masjid Ibrahim Maktab through its various programs affords us this opportunity. May the Almighty grant us the strength to fulfill this great endeavor.

Ameen ya Rabb

2 Jumu'ah sessions : 1st Khutbah at 12.55pm | 2nd Khutbah at 1.40pm