Masjid Policy

Masjid Ibrahim (Masjid) has been established to serve the Muslim community and to offer opportunities for religious, educational, and Islamic social activities.

All activities are expected to comply with Islamic teaching, and all people visiting or using the Masjid premises are expected to behave in accordance with Islamic teaching and etiquette.

In order to safeguard and protect the Masjid, and in order for activities to be conducted in an orderly and disciplined fashion in accordance with Islamic etiquette, all visitors to and users of the Masjid are expected to observe the following policies, rules, and regulations. These policies, rules, and regulations will be reviewed periodically and amended as necessary.

Dress Code / Clothing in the Masjid
  • Men and women are expected to dress modestly according to Islamic teaching.
  • Men and women are expected to wear clothes that cover their whole body in a non-revealing way. In addition, women are expected to wear a headscarf.
  • Shirts advertising rock bands, messages, etc. should be avoided
Young Children
  • Young children are welcome and are encouraged to attend the Masjid. However, they must be under the supervision of their parents /guardians or other authorized adults.
  • It is the parents’/guardians’ responsibility to keep a close watch over their children, to keep them safe, and to make sure that they do not disturb prayers or activities, or harm themselves.
  • MASJID IBRAHIM shall not be held liable and / or responsible for children left unattended inside or outside on Masjid property.

  • All personal or public announcements shall be made in writing and prior approval from The Shura’ shall be sought and obtained.
  • Announcements for Friday prayer must be e-mailed or communicated by other means to The Shura’ by 5 pm on Thursday.
  • Exceptions may be made after consultation with The Shura’ and prior approval of The Shura’ obtained.

Imam Guidelines
  • Sh Shabir Moosa Adam is the Imam of the Masjid, assisted by Sh Abubakar
  • In their absence, any member of The Shura’ who is present will assign someone amongst those who are attending the prayer. This assignment shall be done in accordance with the Sunnah.
  • If no member of The Shura’ is present, then people attending the prayer will select the most knowledgeable person present in accordance with the Sunnah.

Serving Food
  • Food can only be served in the designated areas in activities that are islamically compliant and for which prior approval has been sought and obtained from The Shura’.
  • All those who serve food and/or organize activities, in which food is served must ensure that all leftover food and items used are removed from the premises, and the area used is cleaned.

  • It is expected that people attending the Masjid activities show proper cleanliness in clothes and bodies.
  • Users of the washrooms and wudu (ablution) areas are expected to leave these premises as clean and tidy as possible after use.

Masjid Speaking Policy
  • Individuals or groups wishing to speak or address the congregation must seek and obtain prior permission from The Shura’. Such requests must be made at least 3 days in advance. In addition, these individuals or groups must submit to The Shura’ a detailed plan of any talk, presentation, lecture, etc. they wish to make. Such a plan must be submitted to The Shura’ and receive its approval at least 3 days prior to any talk, presentation, lecture, etc. to be delivered.
  • The Shura’ reserves the right to not grant its approval.
  • The Shura’ reserves the right to interrupt and/or cancel any activity it has approved if in its judgment (or that of its appointed agents) the activity deviates from the submitted plan; or if the content being delivered is found to be in conflict with MASJID IBRAHIM policies, rules and regulations; or if the content being delivered is judged by The Shura’ not to be in accordance with Islamic teaching or Islamic etiquette.

Books and Literature
  • MASJID IBRAHIM will establish guidelines as to the selection of books and literature that are to be placed in the Masjid.
  • Prior approval of The Shura’ must be obtained before books and/or literature are placed in the Masjid.
  • No books and/or literature shall be distributed or posted in the Masjid before prior approval of The Shura’ is sought and obtained.

Cell Phones

Cell phones must be turned off during the five daily prayers and Friday / Eid prayers.

  • Only MASJID IBRAHIM/Masjid related news or approved articles/flyers/posters by The Shura’ are allowed on the Masjid notice board.
  • No advertising material (flyers, business cards, etc.) shall be placed inside the Masjid or dropped off without prior approval of The Shura’.
Charity / Donations
  • All public donations or collections must receive prior approval of The Shura’, and funds donated or collected shall be channelled through MASJID IBRAHIM.
  • Donations to the Masjid Fund will go towards meeting Masjid expenses.
  • Zakat funds collected by MASJID IBRAHIM shall be distributed in accordance with the Quranic text (Quran 9:60). Donors shall be given a choice as to where their Zakat should be directed.
  • Sadaqah (charitable donations) collected by MASJID IBRAHIM shall be distributed according to recipients’ needs.

Masjid Overnight Stay Policy
  • The Masjid will be closed after Isha Prayer and no one is allowed to stay overnight inside the Masjid.
  • Exceptions can be made after prior approval has been obtained from The Shura’. Request for overnight stay has to be made at least 3 days in advance, and The Shura’s approval obtained before permission for overnight stay will be allowed.
  • Special overnight stay shall be allowed during the month of Ramadan for I’tikaf and / or Qiyam al-Layl (Night Prayer). Prior notification and approval must still be obtained from The Shura’.
  • The Shura’ reserves the right to not grant permission for overnight stay at the Masjid.

Quranic and Islamic Teachings and Halaqas (Study Circles)
  • Quranic and Islamic teachings, and halaqas (study circles) are encouraged. However, brothers and sisters wishing to establish such activities must seek and obtain prior approval of The Shura’.

Donated Items
  • Furniture, clothes, food or other donated items must not be brought to the Masjid unless prior approval has been sought and obtained from The Shura’.

Notice Board Policy
  • Only MASJID IBRAHIM/Masjid related news or approved articles/flyers/posters by The Shura’ are allowed on the Masjid notice board.
  • No advertising material (flyers, business cards, etc.) shall be placed inside the Masjid or dropped off without prior approval of The Shura’.

Marriage (Nikah) Policy
  • Islamic marriage ceremonies shall be solemnized at the Masjid, by the Imam
  • Rules for serving food apply during this event

Friday Prayer Guidelines

No person will be allowed to stand and give a talk at any time without prior approval of The Shura’ (See Masjid Speaking Policy).


Smoking is not allowed on the whole Masjid property (inside or outside the Masjid).

Masjid Usage
  • The prayer area will only be used in accordance with islamically acceptable norms and practices. No private gatherings or private educational classes will take place therein without prior permission of The Shura’.
  • For the comfort of users of the prayer hall area, socializing in the hallway must be avoided. People wishing to socialize can do outside the Masjid.
  • There is a separate wudhu/bathroom area for brothers and sisters. Please make sure that these premises are used properly (they must be left clean and tidy after usage, light turned off, trash in the designated receptacles, etc.).
  • Men and boys must sit when going to the washroom.
  • Shoes must be removed and placed in the shoe racks.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the masjid, inside or outside
  • Photography/video is not allowed in the Masjid building without prior approval of The Shura’.
  • Only authorized persons are allowed to use the Masjid microphone and sound system.
Parking Policy
  • Parking is only allowed in the designated areas. Vehicles blocking entrances or parked in prohibited areas will be clamped at owners’ expense, payable to the MASJID
  • Remember to park appropriately and not to block anyone especially at Friday prayer, Taraweeh, and Eid prayers, etc.
  • No overnight parking is allowed without prior approval of The Shura’. In addition, MASJID IBRAHIM will not be responsible for vehicles left overnight in its parking lot.
  • Vehicles left overnight in the Masjid parking lot without prior approval of The Shura’ will be clamped at owners’ expense.
  • Do not park in the neighbours’ driveway, or block their driveways.
  • MASJID IBRAHIM assume no liability arising from damage sustained by vehicles in the Masjid parking lot, nor will it be responsible for vehicles and their contents.
Masjid Overnight Stay Policy
  • The Masjid will be closed after Isha Prayer and no one is allowed to stay overnight inside the Masjid.
  • Exceptions can be made after prior approval has been obtained from The Shura’. Request for overnight stay has to be made at least 3 days in advance, and The Shura’s approval obtained before permission for overnight stay will be allowed.
  • Special overnight stay shall be allowed during the month of Ramadan for I’tikaf and / or Qiyam al-Layl (Night Prayer). Prior notification and approval must still be obtained from The Shura’.
  • The Shura’ reserves the right to not grant permission for overnight stay at the Masjid.
2 Jumu'ah sessions : 1st Khutbah at 12.55pm | 2nd Khutbah at 1.40pm